Wednesday, September 5, 2007

hip-hop gone bad

Smack That... ***hole for writing such a stupid song.

what is wrong with hiphop right now? why was Stankonia such a bitchin record, and of course, anything Danger Mouse and Cee-Lo do. i don't know, maybe i am just salty (new word alert!) because it seems like popular commercial hiphop is the cheeseball equivalent of the butt-rock of the late 80's. think about it.. they have nothing in the videos but wads of cash, wads of naked hooker-sluts, and just... wads. lot's of wads of retarded, same ol' lyrics about rims rims rims... i guess it will take a cultural revolution, like when grunge spraying lysol on the hair-metal kids to get them to go away did.... diddy.... p diddy.... puff diddy do wop-a-lom-bam-boom Yeah!!!
until then, i recommend anyone looking to clean up their act and graduate from their latest Chingy cd to something more fullfilling, to pick up a couple of cool pieces..

Old Skool:
anything by Mos Def
De La Soul (especially 3 Ft High and Rising.. these guys slayed your wits.)
MC Paul Barman (sick white jewish rapper from NY. a little annoying but killer)
Beasties (Paul's Boutique... what a change from the 1st album.)
Nas (bad ass)
Josh Groban (just seeing if you are staying with me)
Old Jay-Z (still guilty of said "wad" alerts lately)
too much more to mention...

sort of Nu Skool:
obviously Outkast (Southernplayalisticadilla
cmuzik and Aquemini are amazing foretelling albums to lead you into the obvious newer choices)
Danger Mouse (and duh.. Gnarls.. the Grey Album is a sick and amazingly brilliant idea that worked.)
and most stuff Eminem did before being poisoned by Kim's lip-liner.


Mike said...

This post had some help from Butch Walker.

Sara E said...

I like Cee-lo Green

Gazing Forth said...

Thank God I'm not the only one who feels this way.

Whatever happened to rap actually having a meaning, be it political or personal, or just having some kind of original mentality to it?

All it takes now is layering some lethargic, repetitive beats and repeating the same nonsensical gibberish, and suddenly, the air waves are raped for the next month and half.

It's ridiculous.


T_Qahhaar88 said...

So true, soooo so true...

Patrick Swayze said...

I agree that Danger Mouse is pretty dope.

kate's cat eats cake said...